The purpose of this Privacy Policy is to inform customers, potential customers or visitors to the websites of Pletilstvo Erika Zakrajšek s.p. about the purposes and basis of the processing of personal data by Pletilstvo Erika Zakrajšek s.p., Rožna ulica 9, 8233 Mirna, Slovenia (hereinafter referred to as “Pletilstvo Erika Zakrajšek / the Provider”).

At Pletilstvo Erika Zakrajšek, we value your privacy and therefore always protect your data carefully.

This Privacy Policy may be amended or supplemented at any time without prior notice or warning. By using the provider’s website after the addition or change, the person confirms that they agree with the additions and changes.

By using the website, the user confirms that he/she accepts and agrees to the entire content of this privacy policy, unless additional forms of consent are required in individual cases.

Our activities are in accordance with European legislation (Regulation (EU) 2016/697 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (General Data Protection Regulation or GDPR) and the Council of Europe Conventions (ETS no. 108, ETS No. 181, ETS No. 185, ETS No. 189)) and the national legislation of the Republic of Slovenia (Personal Data Protection Act (ZVOP-1, Journal of Laws of the Republic of Slovenia, No. 94/07), Electronic Commerce on the Market (ZEPT, Journal of Laws of the Republic of Slovenia, No. 96/09, 19/15), etc.).

As we are aware that your privacy and familiarity with the processes of processing your personal data mean a lot to you, we also invite you to read more about the individual areas of personal data protection in the guidelines of the Information Commissioner, which is the competent state authority in the territory of the Republic of Slovenia responsible for monitoring the legal framework of personal data protection.


Personal data is information that identifies you as an individual: Your name, surname, e-mail address or postal address, etc.

For the purposes of our business, Erika Zakrajšek Knitwear collects the following user data:

  • First and last name
  • Address and place of residence
  • E-mail address
  • Contact telephone number
  • And other information that you enter in the relevant forms on the website.

By registering and/or ordering on the website, you expressly agree that the personal data obtained by Pletilstvo Erika Zakrajšek (first and last name, residential address, e-mail address and any other data that you voluntarily provide to the provider for the purpose of fulfilling the contract order) may be used by the buyer, except for the purpose of negotiating the contract or fulfilling the contract order (as described in 10. Article 10 of the current Personal Data Protection Act), also for the purposes of direct marketing through all advertising channels used by the Provider (telephone and SMS communication, print media, unaddressed and addressed direct mail, e-mail, etc.), as well as for the purposes of direct marketing-related statistical and market analysis, marketing profiling and segmentation. In this way, we ensure that you are appropriately informed about our current offers and that you are only informed about product offers that are most relevant to your preferences.

As a customer, you must also expressly agree to direct advertising by e-mail to Erika Zakrajšek Knitwear when registering and/or ordering on the website by checking the box “Subscribe to the newsletter”. Otherwise, the customer will not receive direct marketing by e-mail and will therefore not be properly informed in advance about the provider’s online promotions.

If you wish to withdraw your consent to direct marketing by e-mail, please do so

  • by sending a reply email to a specific email you have received from the provider if you are engaged in direct marketing, and/or;
  • by completing an online form, the link to which is included in every email you receive from the provider when conducting direct marketing.

You will be duly informed in each email about the possibility of withdrawing your consent to direct marketing by email.

The provider will respect your wish to withdraw your consent and will make consistent arrangements to withdraw your consent for the purpose of direct marketing via the relevant advertising channels within a maximum of 15 days and will notify you in writing or by other agreed means within a further five days. You will not incur any costs. The Provider also grants you all other rights in accordance with applicable law, as set out below.

The Provider only collects and processes your personal data if you allow or consent to the Provider to do so, i.e. if you order products or services, subscribe to a newsletter, take part in a competition, etc., or if there is a legal basis for the collection of personal data or the Provider has a legitimate interest in the processing.

The provider collects and processes your personal data on the following legal bases:

  • Law and contractual relationships
  • Consent of the person
  • legitimate interest

Processing on the basis of law and contractual relationships

If the provision of personal data is a contractual obligation, an obligation necessary for the conclusion and performance of a contract with the provider or a legal obligation, you must provide personal data; if you do not provide personal data, you will not be able to conclude a contract with the provider, nor will the provider be able to provide you with the services or products under the contract, as it will not have the data necessary for the performance of the contract.

Purpose of processing and detailed explanation
Conclusion and performance of the contract

Conclusion and performance of the contract concluded with the provider, including the fulfillment of your orders by the provider (delivery of products and provision of services), communication with you, verification of your payments and fulfillment of the provider’s other obligations and/or your obligations (legitimate interest of the provider in the processing of your personal data, Article 6 (1) (f) of the GDPR).

Directly informing customers about special offers, discounts and other content by e-mail or SMS

At Pletilstvo Erika Zakrajšek, we inform our customers about our products, services and content on the basis of the ZEKom-1 Act (Electronic Communications Act of the Republic of Slovenia, implemented on the basis of Directive 2002/58/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of July 12, 2002). The customer may at any time request the termination of such communication and the processing of personal data. The customer can unsubscribe from such communications at any time via the unsubscribe link in the communications received or by sending a written request to the e-mail address

Processing on the basis of a legitimate interest

The provider may also process data on the basis of the legitimate interests pursued by it, unless these interests override the interests or fundamental rights and freedoms of the data subject which require the protection of personal data. If there is a legitimate interest, the provider will always carry out an assessment in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation.

Purpose of processing and detailed explanation
General statistical processing of data on customers and their orders and potential customers (contacts) for the purpose of internal sales analysis, repeat purchases, aggregated customer behavior, advertising optimization and business optimization

At Pletilstvo Erika Zakrajšek, we carry out general statistical processing of data on customers and their orders and potential customers (contacts), on the basis of which we perform internal analyses of sales, repeat purchases and aggregated customer behavior, as well as monitor and optimize our business performance and optimize our advertising, e.g:

  • Monitor sales through our distribution channels (internet)
  • We monitor how many customers repurchase, how quickly and at what value
  • We track general sales statistics such as average basket value, number of products ordered, etc
  • Monitor responses to emails, SMS messages, phone calls and various advertising messages (web ads) and optimize our advertising on this basis (decide what to advertise, where, to whom and how).

This type of statistical monitoring enables us to optimize our business and advertising overall and to offer our customers cost-effective products and services.

Access to your previous orders and other data for Erika Zakrajšek Knitwear employees to provide better service and offers

When you call Erika Zakrajšek Knitwear (or when we call you) or visit us (if you identify yourself), our sales and customer service consultants have access to your stored personal data and purchase history in order to provide you with better service and more personalized offers.

If you do not wish this, you can stop this type of data processing at any time or by sending a written request to

Processing of data on undelivered distance selling orders to combat fraud

On the basis of our legitimate interest, Erika Zakrajšek Knitwear processes data on sent and not received distance selling orders in order to determine whether and which customers disproportionately often order distance selling products with payment on collection and then do not collect these products, which causes us business damage that we want to prevent.

Once we have identified such customers, we will exclude them from ordering cash on delivery products in the online store, but they will still be able to order products using other payment methods.

Automatic e-mail communication with the user based on the initiation of the online purchase process by the user

Pletilstvo Erika Zakrajšek, based on its legitimate interest, occasionally sends potential customers who have added selected products to the shopping cart but have not yet completed the purchase, e-mail messages about their incomplete purchase in order to try to complete the purchase or provide assistance and information in this regard.

If you do not wish this to happen, you can stop this type of data processing at any time by sending a written request to

Basic personalized communication (email, SMS, phone calls, mail, browser notifications, website information, social media) with personalized discounts, offers and content

As part of basic personalized communications (email, SMS, phone calls, mail, browser notifications, website information, social media), we try to present you with relevant offers, discounts and other content that may be of interest to you based on your previous interactions with us.

We use the following information about you for this purpose:

  • Demographic data (gender, age, address),
  • your purchase history (products purchased, time of purchase, number of purchases),
  • simple processing of behavior on the Erika Zakrajšek Knitwear website (viewing individual products or content that may trigger the sending of personalized messages), without using this information to create user profiles,
  • your reactions (opening a message, clicking on a link, making a purchase) to the various messages we send you.
  • We do not use semi-automatic or automatic profiling, but simply select the appropriate recipient groups for each message. We never focus on individual data, but summarize data about larger groups.

This information can then determine which messages you receive from us:

  • what products and content we present to you to maximize your interest,
  • what offers you receive (customers with a higher number or frequency of purchases from Erika Zakrajšek Knitwear may receive better offers),
  • how often we send you messages and through which communication channels.
  • You can stop this communication at any time by using the unsubscribe link in the messages you receive or by sending a written request to

Use of the Facebook advertising tool Facebook Custom Audiences

Pletilstvo Erika Zakrajšek also uses Facebook Custom Audiences (“Facebook Custom Audiences”) for online advertising on the basis of its legitimate interest, either in the context of conducting basic personalized communication on the basis of its legitimate interest or in the context of consent obtained for communication with personalized offers and content based on the user’s profile.

This service works as follows:

  • We upload your e-mail address, which we have received from you in the course of your purchase or your voluntary participation, to Facebook,
  • Facebook compares your email address with its user base and determines whether you are a Facebook user,
  • If you are not a Facebook user, nothing happens to your email address and Facebook does not perform any activities with it,
  • If you are a Facebook user, Facebook adds you to a newly created list of personalized audiences that explicitly allows us to show personalized ads to this group of Facebook users,
  • This allows us to show you more targeted and personalized advertising on Facebook and, in particular, additional discounts.
  • You can prevent this at any time by sending a written request to
Processing on the basis of your consent

The provider also collects and processes (uses) your personal data for the following purposes if you have given your consent:

  • to ensure that you can access and use your online account with the Provider and the Provider’s online store, as well as for technical reasons of administration on the Provider’s website,
  • to ensure that you can access certain information available to you on the provider’s website and in your online account/profile with the provider
  • to create and send you a personalized newsletter if you have subscribed to it
  • to send commercial offers and other content by email, SMS, post or telephone call and via social networks (Facebook, Instagram), if there is no other basis for this and you have consented to this
  • for any other purpose for which you expressly agree to cooperate with the provider.


As an individual, you acknowledge and agree that the Provider may entrust certain tasks related to your data to other persons (processors). The processors may process the data entrusted to them exclusively on behalf of the Provider within the framework of the Provider’s authorization (in a written contract or other legal act) and in accordance with the purposes set out in this Privacy Policy.

The processors with whom the Provider cooperates are:

  • Accounting services; law firms and other providers of legal advice,
  • Providers of data processing and analysis services,
  • providers of IT systems,
  • providers of e-mail messages,
  • providers of payment systems,
  • providers of customer relationship management systems,
  • providers of online advertising solutions.
  • The provider will not disclose your personal data to unauthorized third parties.

Processors may only process personal data on the instructions of the controller and may not use personal data to pursue their own interests.

The controller and users do not export personal data to third countries.


The Provider will retain your personal data only for as long as necessary to fulfill the purpose for which the personal data was collected and further processed. Personal data that the Provider processes on the basis of the law will be retained by the Provider for the period required by law. Personal data that the provider processes for the performance of a contractual relationship with a natural person will be retained by the provider for the period necessary for the performance of the contract and for a period of 5 years after the termination of the contract, except in cases where a dispute arises between you and the provider in relation to the contract; in this case, the Provider will retain the data for a period of 5 years after the court or arbitration award or settlement becomes final, or, if there is no dispute, for a period of 5 years from the date on which the dispute was settled amicably.

The personal data that the provider processes on the basis of the personal consent or the legitimate interest of the data subject shall be permanently stored by the provider until the data subject revokes this consent or requests the cessation of processing. The provider only deletes this data before the revocation if the purpose of the processing of the personal data has already been achieved or if this is required by law.

Once the retention period has expired, the controller shall effectively and permanently erase the personal data so that it can no longer be associated with the data subject.


You have control over the information you provide about yourself. If you choose not to provide the provider with your information, you will not be able to access certain areas or features of the website. Individuals who wish to unsubscribe from our newsletter should email us at If your personal details (zip code, e-mail address, address, telephone number) change, please inform us of these changes by sending an e-mail to


Any changes to our privacy policy will be posted on this website.

By using the website, the individual confirms that they accept and agree to the entire contents of this Privacy Policy.

Updated: November 2018